Find more deaths. Stop overpayments. Preserve your fund.

scanned daily
with 99.9% accuracy
with countless time saved
Since 2011, the Social Security Administration has dramatically decreased the amount of data available within the Death Master File (DMF). Today, the DMF identifies only 16% of deaths, negatively impacting death audits and increasing overpayments. CertiDeath® fills that gap. Using proprietary algorithms, integrated databases and human expertise, we provide a true death audit solution with validated results.

Without CertiDeath, you’re missing deaths and making overpayments.
CertiDeath is a true industry leader.
CertiDeath is the fastest and most accurate death audit in the market – identifying 96.5% of decedents with 99.9% accuracy. Other death matching services only find 70% at best, which means CertiDeath finds at least 38% more deaths than our closest competitor.
Minimize overpayments and maximize the longevity of your fund.
Your overpayment savings is 10x amount paid for CertiDeath death audit services – a 1,000% return! So, you could save $10 for every dollar paid, plus you can release millions in unnecessary reserves by eliminating fraudulent payments. CertiDeath has helped clients uncover over $1 billion in overpayments.
Stop Fraud Quickly
CertiDeath will identify 96.5% of deaths in your fund promptly. The faster you discover and remedy fraudulent activity, the fewer negative headlines and PR you’ll have to react to.
Get Validated Results
CertiDeath incorporates human expertise into the process, which reduces false positives and provides you verified answers without all the additional work on your part.
Meet Fiduciary Responsibilities
With over 30 years of experience, we fully understand the complexity of fiduciary and ever-changing compliance responsibilities. We provide clear and comprehensive reports, tracking, and audit trails.
Free CertiDeath Analysis
Need proof? We find missed deaths in your population 99% of the time. In fact, it’s not unusual for our CertiDeath Analysis to find hundreds or even thousands of missed decedents in your file. Why not find out how many you may have missed? There’s no charge for our CertiDeath Analysis.
Estimate how much CertiDeath could save you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“I give CertiDeath the highest rating – the information is invaluable to my job in locating deceased persons and their relatives in order to provide survivor benefits.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“Rather than searching for dead people we can focus our time on processing deaths which is a much more effective use of time.”
– Large Corporate Pension
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“The first file we ran identified over $1M in overpayments.”
– Large Union Pension
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“CertiDeath has significantly reduced the cost by efficiently updating our records weekly and removing deceased individuals from health plans.”