Retiree Data Accuracy in the Spotlight: Addressing Challenges and Enhancing Efficiency 

Recent discussions about data accuracy in retirement systems have captured widespread attention, bringing renewed focus to the broader issue of maintaining up-to-date retiree records. The challenge of managing participant data and keeping records accurate is a very real concern.    With over 30 years of assisting plans in managing their [continue reading]

How to Know if Your Locator Services are Working

Accurate participant and policyholder data is crucial - bad data is expensive. Having accurate data allows you to connect with participants and policyholders consistently and efficiently, effectively communicate with the population, and build a better relationship. Selecting the right locate service provider can be difficult – how do you know [continue reading]

Continued Investment in CertiSuite Cybersecurity

We are excited to announce further advancement in our ongoing focus on cybersecurity. With significant time and investment, we’ve implemented field-level and per-client encryption. These updates layer on top of industry standard Transparent Database Encryption (TDE) to further protect data even if an attacker achieved direct access to our database, [continue reading]

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