Continued Investment in CertiSuite Cybersecurity

We are excited to announce further advancement in our ongoing focus on cybersecurity. With significant time and investment, we’ve implemented field-level and per-client encryption. These updates layer on top of industry standard Transparent Database Encryption (TDE) to further protect data even if an attacker achieved direct access to our database, [continue reading]

4 Quick Tips for Pension Plan Participant Management

Pension plan participant management is more challenging than ever. That’s why we’ve put together four quick tips for plan administrators to help better manage their plan: Tip #1: It starts with an accurate and validated death audit. Finding all decedents requires massive amounts of resources, skills and time – simply [continue reading]

2024-04-26T11:20:44-05:00April 3, 2024|Population Management & CertiCensus|

What makes an industry leader, a true leader?

We see more and more companies who claim to be leaders in the death audit and locate industry. But what makes a company a true industry leader?  We believe a true leader is the company on the leading edge, who offers services above and beyond what anyone else offers. [continue reading]

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