The Death Master File (DMF) data continues to decline each year. In 2023, the DMF only provided 16% of death records. This degradation has caused conducting death audits for pension plans a much more complex task.

Death audits now require the aggregation of thousands of data sources, primarily obituaries. Obituaries are a non-uniform data source as they do not all contain a consistent identifier (such as a social security number). This makes utilizing multiple pieces of personal identifiable information (PII) to identify participants necessary – such as first/middle/last name, SSN, date of birth, city and state.

Berwyn processes millions of records and has identified hundreds of thousands of deaths. As a result, Berwyn is in a unique position to accurately quantify the impact of missing participant PII on a death audit:

Data Missed Deaths
Missing Last Name 100%
Missing First Name 41%
Missing SSN 32%
Missing DOB 29%
Typo in Last Name 18%
Typo in First Name 7%
Typo in SSN 21%

Missing just one piece of information can lead to a high percentage of missing deaths. Depending on the number of participants, missing and inaccurate PII can impact overpayments up to millions of dollars. For example, a pension plan for Company ABC has 10,000 participants with 200 annual deaths (2% death rate) and a $10,000 annual pension payment to each participant. If data is missing or has typos, their overpayments can quickly add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars:

Data Missed Deaths Overpayments
Missing Last Name 100% $2,000,000
Missing First Name 41% $820,000
Missing SSN 32% $640,000
Missing DOB 29% $580,000
Typo in Last Name 18% $360,000
Typo in First Name 7% $140,000
Typo in SSN 21% $420,000

Note the importance of complete and accurate PII as even a relatively small amount of incorrect data (e.g. if first name typos affected 7% of data) could have a six-figure impact on overpayments.

Thankfully, there is a solution available to help pension plans when it comes to missing and inaccurate PII. Berwyn offers the industry’s most comprehensive death audit solution: CertiDeath. Our CertiDeath audit solution combines artificial intelligence, integrated databases and human expertise. We analyze your data set for missing and inaccurate data and provide the necessary updates to ensure you don’t miss deaths and make overpayments because of missing participant information.

Find more information on CertiDeath here.