Is your current death audit process providing a false sense of security?

Pension plans and insurance companies have a lot on their plate, so it isn’t uncommon for their death audit process to get overlooked. It may often be seen as checking a box to make sure there’s some form of a death audit process in place. However, not taking a [continue reading]

2024-06-26T15:47:35-05:00April 30, 2024|Death Audit & CertiDeath|

How missing and inaccurate participant data impacts a death audit

The Death Master File (DMF) data continues to decline each year. In 2023, the DMF only provided 16% of death records. This degradation has caused conducting death audits for pension plans a much more complex task. Death audits now require the aggregation of thousands of data sources, primarily obituaries. [continue reading]

2024-08-07T10:05:48-05:00March 6, 2024|Death Audit & CertiDeath|
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