How to Know if Your Locator Services are Working

Accurate participant and policyholder data is crucial - bad data is expensive. Having accurate data allows you to connect with participants and policyholders consistently and efficiently, effectively communicate with the population, and build a better relationship. Selecting the right locate service provider can be difficult – how do you know [continue reading]

What makes an industry leader, a true leader?

We see more and more companies who claim to be leaders in the death audit and locate industry. But what makes a company a true industry leader?  We believe a true leader is the company on the leading edge, who offers services above and beyond what anyone else offers. [continue reading]

The Beginning of a Bolder Berwyn

Since the acquisition of The Berwyn Group (Berwyn) in 2023, Longevity Holdings, the parent company, has continued making significant investments in population data management, bringing together the industry’s best solutions and resources. Going forward, Berwyn will share in these investments to better serve the industry in new and innovative [continue reading]

2024-04-26T11:16:39-05:00February 15, 2024|News|
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